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At present the administrative and business tools are little used by family
businesses in México, although they favor the growth and survival of these
businesses. One such tool is the family protocol; cornerstone in the process of
generational succession of family businesses, generating healthy family
relationships and appropriate basis for conflict management. A bad generational
relief, diverse problems and poor family relationships, often occur by protocol
absence. The main objective of this study was to determine whether rural
microentrepreneurs know about family protocol and what is the overall situation of
the companies in its real context. The research was based on a statistical study of
41 micro-enterprises in the municipality of Timucuy, Yucatán. From general
aspects highlights that the owners of the area are mostly men, the primary level of
education is completed and are usually two families involved in the control and
operation of microenterprises. The highlights in these businesses indicate that the
administration usually has no rules, and that the property is not considered as an
asset of wealth or heritage. Added to this, the process of succession in them
usually happens without planning.
Protocol, succession, family enterprises, Yucatán.
Palabras clave:
Protocolo, sucesión, empresa familiar, Yucatán.