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Palabras Clave:
Universidad pública, elementos culturales, control
Institutions of higher education are characterized by a loosely coupled system, with
a mixed system, which are opened and closed, indeterminate and rational,
spontaneous and deliberate (Orton and Weick, 1990), where rational analysis
processes fail, problem solving and decision making and which then, in the
confusion, pf rely on shared meanings and symbols. Myths represent and solve
dilemmas. Metaphors make understandable confusion and discourse takes on new
meaning. In many organizational events, the most important thing is not what
happens, but the meaning of what is happening and the interpretation that each
person makes of it. The symbolic model focuses on these meanings, beliefs, etc.
This case study is a brief analysis of the use of cultural elements as subtle
institutionalized mechanism of control in a public university from the use of
expectations that foresee, shape and regulate individual and group behavior within
Key words: Public university, cultural elements, control
Retrospectiva Institucional
En agosto de 2003 es creada la universidad tecnológica del Usumacinta el
municipio de Emiliano Zapata, en el estado de Tabasco, con recursos estatales y
federales, convirtiéndose en la segunda universidad tecnológica en el estado de
Para contar con mayores elementos que justificaran la creación de dicha
institución, fue necesario realizar un estudio de factibilidad que incluyó el estudio
de mercado laboral, estudio de oferta y demanda educativa, estudios
socioeconómicos y de expectativas educativas, mismos que fueron realizados en